[Live Training] Master Lead Generation: The 5A Framework For Agency Owners

E135: A new way to look at lead gen and sales with Phil Lockwood

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Phil has spent the last 23 years helping businesses with their digital sales and marketing efforts, primarily through his agency, Distill. He quickly established a reputation on high-profile engagement with NFL teams, restaurant chains, airlines, and other major brands. The most recent initiative is called The Missing Link. It’s a simple online course and community that teaches small business owners how to generate more leads and prospects online and nurture those opportunities into sales.

Phil’s 2019 episode

Phil’s 2018 episode

Episode highlights:

  • Why Distill is back to remote operations, and what decisions needed to be made to arrive at that choice.
  • Where The Missing Link came from, why agency focus is important, and the three types of sales sequences.
  • How the web is more introvert-friendly, and what that means for sales today.
  • Is the future of agencies in productization? Phil weighs in.
  • How LinkeIn is used for marketing (for better or worse), how to break through the noise, and what its biggest problem is.
  • Run time: 38:21
  • Best advice received lately: The tricky advertising never works (David Ogilvy)
  • Habit that contributes to success: Attention to detail, striving for perfection.
  • Recommended tools: Vidyard for quick one-on-one videos
  • Recommended book: Grit by Angela Duckworth



  • “It’s really difficult to be good at everything.”
  • “It’s hard unless you’re a 500-person agency to have good expertise across that spectrum.”
  • “There’s no shortage of self-proclaimed success stories around strategies like that, but I definitely think it’s going to be a short-term play.”
  • “Not everything is about making money.”
  • “The only thing that’s going to significantly change what we do with any of this stuff at this point, is AI.”
  • “It’s a revolution, not an evolution.”





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