[Live Training Series] RUN YOUR AGENCY LIKE A PRO

E148: How Nathan Hirsch built a successful team of 35 in the Philippines

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Nathan Hirsch is an entrepreneur and expert in remote hiring and eCommerce. Most recently, Nathan co-founded FreeeUp.com in 2015 with an initial $5,000 investment, scaled it to $12M per year in revenue, and was then acquired in 2019. Today, Nathan is a co-founder of OutsourceSchool, a company working to educate entrepreneurs on how to effectively hire and scale with virtual assistants through in-depth courses. Nathan has appeared on 300+ podcasts, is a social media personality, and loves sharing advice on scaling remote businesses.

Nathan Hirsch also founded Ecombalance.com a monthly bookkeeping service for Ecommerce Sellers and Agencies.

Episode highlights:

  • What got Nathan into entrepreneurship early in life, and why he treated college like a deadline.
  • What Nathan learned working on his first major venture (HINT: don’t become overly reliant on any one thing!)
  • What happened on Nathan’s first day of his first vacation. It wasn’t just one, but THREE major blows.
  • How you can make a remote team happier and more engaged.
  • How Nathan built a team of 35 in the Philippines.
  • Why he picked to focus his team in the Philippines in particular.
  • How to get started with your first VA.
  • How to make sure your remote worker will work out using Nathan’s SICC method.
  • Stand-alone VA’s vs remote workers that are part of your company culture.
  • What Nathan starts paying remote workers and what he ends up paying them over time.
  • Best advice received: Work hard, play hard.
  • Habit that contributes to success: Splitting stuff up, breaking things down.
  • Recommended tools: Wordboard app
  • Recommended book: Hatching Twitter by Nick Bilton
  • Run time: 39:51



  • “Everyone hates creating SOP’s.”
  • “I always felt like I wanted more.”
  • “No one really knew what Amazon was.”
  • “I just failed, over and over and over.”
  • “We were really dependant on Amazon – they could shut us down at any moment.”
  • “It really comes down to communication and clarity.”
  • “You’re not going to go out and get drinks with them after work.”
  • “On-call should never be urgent.”


  • Don’t become overly reliant on any one thing, like Facebook for all of your ads.
  • Diversify and make yourself less vulnerable.
  • Take time to make sure a new hire is the right fit.



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