[Live Training] Navigating Your Agency's First $100k for Early-Stage & New Agency Owners

How I raised my prices in amazing ways with $10K Bootcamp

Barbara Carneiro
Barbara Caneiro logo

I have two kids, aged seven and four. This is the time in their life when they need me the most.

Except before $10K Bootcamp they weren’t ever getting me. All they used to see was the back of my computer.

Now I’ve got so much more time to dedicate to my kids. That’s worth the price of admission, period. There’s nothing that can pay for that. Ever.

From $800 to $4,000 per project

Looking back, I’ve come a long way from when I started my company by myself on Elance in 2005, grabbing whatever gigs I could find. I wasn’t doing anything really specialized — just any web project I could get, at whatever price they’d give me.

But since $10K Bootcamp I’ve been able to increase our prices in a way I never would have believed. Now when a new client comes in, we do things differently. What we might have charged $800 for now costs $4,000.

During $10K Bootcamp I learned that you define yourself by the people you say no to — not the people you say yes to. Going through the material and interacting with the community helped me realize that, hey, I really know stuff my clients don’t know. I have expertise to offer. It would take them 12 years of Googling to catch up with me, because I’ve already spent that time doing research and putting my skills into to practice.

Getting myself unstuck

For me to understand that I actually have value to bring — and that my value should be paid for, in an industry that I love… That’s very exciting. $10K Bootcamp taught me that we don’t need to cheapen our services or just accept whatever price a client says they can pay. That’s been a real eye-opener for me.

Before, I was stuck in my business. Always chasing that next dollar. I was always busy, always behind with something, or trying to land the next client, or invoicing someone to get paid today because there was a bill due today.

And looking at my life, I said, “I’m sure there are other people out there going through the same thing.” That’s why I wanted to become a $10K Bootcamp mentor.

I’m a $10K Mentor

Now I work with $10K Bootcamp students from all over the world, and they ask me “”How can I get to do something that clients will value, and do it at a high price?” They feel like what they’re doing isn’t worth that much.

I tell them what I learned in $10K Bootcamp is about changing your mindset. About believing in your value. I say, “Look, I’m doing the exact same thing as before. My websites look the same. They’re coded the same. But clients are paying me 10 times more than what they used to pay.”

The only thing stopping people from the same kind of success is their own mind.

I know that because the minute I made the decision to just give it a try and see what happened, I was surprised to see the results.

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