[Live Training] Navigating Your Agency's First $100k for Early-Stage & New Agency Owners

How To Charge More For Each Deal

Are you looking to charge more for your services but struggling with how to do that?

The key to charging more and earning what you are worth is twofold, and it’s tied into understanding your clients problems: 

1st – you must discover what your client wants to accomplish, whether it’s generating more leads, views, or conversions – what are their key problems? In the context of what they value, it’s easier to charge what you’re worth.  

2nd – conduct proper discovery to find the really valuable problems within your client’s business so you can start charging higher prices. 

I’d love to share a story with you to bring a bit more clarity to the subject: 

One of our agency owners was selling huge website projects that were time-consuming and barely bringing in $5,000. They landed a new higher paying client with our help, with our recommended approach. 

During discovery, they found that one of the biggest problems their new client had was that they were registering customers via paper order forms and phone calls. 

My client recommended that rather than build a new website, they streamline and modernize this in-house clunky process. 

Our Agency client identified that this inefficient process was costing them upwards of 60K a year.  

Over the course of 5 years, that’s a whopping 300K. 

My client proposed a solution for 10K. 

They doubled what they were making and saved a ton of time to work on new projects. 

Now, you don’t always find a slam dunk like this, but the lesson is that doing discovery to find out what your client really needs and creating solutions for them can create an amazing ROI. 

If you’re wondering how you can build this into your business, then let us help you – 

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