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E17: Taking Risks During Hard Times with Kim Doyal

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Today we are going to be talking to Kim Doyal, the WordPress Chick. She’s a podcaster, coach, WordPress wizard, and co-founder of the F the Hustle movement. Today she’s going to tell us about herself, her business, and how she’s found success.

Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • What Kim does and why she was attracted to websites, content management, and WordPress. She also talks about how she got started and what the catalyst was for her to become an entrepreneur.
  • Why Kim decided to engage in some risk when she became an entrepreneur and how that would help her family after she became a widow. She also talks about what she did to prepare to make the leap to quit her job and become her own boss.
  • The type of feedback that Kim got when she announced her intent to go out on her own.
  • How Kim’s business model has changed and why she decided to make those changes.
  • Recurring revenue: How it works and how Kim is making it work for her.
  • Ideas on what to do if you are an entrepreneur who is doing a bunch of tasks that you don’t even like doing.
  • Thoughts on having a fear of the competition and how to get over it.
  • The best advice Kim has ever received: Just show up.



Kim Doyal
Kim’s podcast
Missing Lettr
The Obstacle Is the Way
Ego Is the Enemy

Quotes by Kim:

“I was working outside the house and I knew there had to be another way to be there for my kids.”

“Because of my circumstances, no one wanted to push my buttons…. I didn’t get a lot of flack.”

“There is a total creative bent to me that just excites me.”



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